Self-Healing Circle
The circle provided an opportunity for members to share their knowledge of healing methods, to relate their own experiences and to point others towards useful resources. It no longer meets but some potentially useful information shared during the circle's meetings is provided below.
Topics previously covered
312-Meridian Technique
An introduction to this simple method developed by Dr Zhu Zhongxiang, which is now being practised world wide for the prevention and treatment of diseases using acupressure, deep breathing and a squatting exercise. |
Access Bars Therapy - demonstration by Sue Sihota on Friday 28th October 2016,
The Bars therapy is based on the premise that our belief systems limit our awareness - the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, emotions and attitudes that we identify with and regard as important in any lifetime are stored at 32 Bars points on the head. A Bars run on these points clears our pre-conditioning and makes us aware that the infinite universe is continually bestowing gifts which we can accept without obligation.
28 Apr 2017 - The 5 Elements of Acupuncture by Robin Croley, acupuncturist in Chesterfield.
Bonding by Laying on of Hands
Members work in pairs to channel universal love and their own affections to each other with the intent of bonding and healing.
The Bars therapy is based on the premise that our belief systems limit our awareness - the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, emotions and attitudes that we identify with and regard as important in any lifetime are stored at 32 Bars points on the head. A Bars run on these points clears our pre-conditioning and makes us aware that the infinite universe is continually bestowing gifts which we can accept without obligation.
28 Apr 2017 - The 5 Elements of Acupuncture by Robin Croley, acupuncturist in Chesterfield.
Bonding by Laying on of Hands
Members work in pairs to channel universal love and their own affections to each other with the intent of bonding and healing.
Breathing techniques
Some forms of yogic sound breathing. Ujayii pranayama is used during our opening Reiki circle and the Brahmari pranayama is enjoyed immediately afterwards to still the mind. 21 April 2017 - the group viewed three youtube videos on Kapalbhati and Bhastrika Pranayama. (Notes will be provided). |
Chair-based Stretching and Movement
Friday 26 January 2018, 7 pm - Workshop by Lynn Wells, Physiotherapy Technical Instructor, Circle Partnership, Nottingham
Colour Therapy
This started initially with a reading of Roland Hunt’s book but has extended to surveying more recent findings, such as by NASA.
24 Mar 2017 - Demonstration of Colour Therapy by Diane Ramsden, Atherius Society. Diane demonstrated their use of OHP and slide projectors with colour slides for administering colour therapy.
Members help each other choose and identify suitable crystals for healing and exchange information on how to use them.
Flower of Life and Sacred Geometries
An introduction only to date.
Inner Smile
A visualisation exercise to direct positive energy to organs.
Laughing Yoga by Karen Roberts
Karen Roberts led this session on Friday 22 September 2017. She gave a brief introduction pointing out the body doesn't know the difference between real and fake laughter which have the same benefits. She then introduced the elements of a laughter session - laughter, chanting, clapping, talking gibberish, singing and then go into a session using playful exercise to help people do all of the above and explain the health benefits as we go along. We gained a knowledge of when to laugh, how to laugh and why we should laugh.
Friday 26 January 2018, 7 pm - Workshop by Lynn Wells, Physiotherapy Technical Instructor, Circle Partnership, Nottingham
Colour Therapy
This started initially with a reading of Roland Hunt’s book but has extended to surveying more recent findings, such as by NASA.
24 Mar 2017 - Demonstration of Colour Therapy by Diane Ramsden, Atherius Society. Diane demonstrated their use of OHP and slide projectors with colour slides for administering colour therapy.
Members help each other choose and identify suitable crystals for healing and exchange information on how to use them.
Flower of Life and Sacred Geometries
An introduction only to date.
Inner Smile
A visualisation exercise to direct positive energy to organs.
Laughing Yoga by Karen Roberts
Karen Roberts led this session on Friday 22 September 2017. She gave a brief introduction pointing out the body doesn't know the difference between real and fake laughter which have the same benefits. She then introduced the elements of a laughter session - laughter, chanting, clapping, talking gibberish, singing and then go into a session using playful exercise to help people do all of the above and explain the health benefits as we go along. We gained a knowledge of when to laugh, how to laugh and why we should laugh.
Some members use and experiment with magnets.
Some members use and experiment with magnets.
Joy, Love and Peace Meditation by Shelley Hinson |
Meridian Tracing
For energy toning
Metamorphic Technique
Demonstration by 2 members who worked on the feet, hands and head of the other members.
For energy toning
Metamorphic Technique
Demonstration by 2 members who worked on the feet, hands and head of the other members.
Pendulum Dowsing for Health
Sound Therapy
Vowel Sounds for Toning Chakras
These sounds are also related to the Indian and Western musical scales.
Qi Gong Sounds for Toning Muscles and Organs
Vowel Sounds for Toning Chakras
These sounds are also related to the Indian and Western musical scales.
Qi Gong Sounds for Toning Muscles and Organs
Tai Chi
When time permits, we finish with some Tai Chi, which is grounding.
When time permits, we finish with some Tai Chi, which is grounding.