Reviews & Articles

Table Tilting
Please download the article below by Bill Eyre to read about Table Tiliting demonstrations, including one given at CPSG. You can also view below a short clip from the Table Tilting demonstration.
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Please download the article below by Bill Eyre to read about Table Tiliting demonstrations, including one given at CPSG. You can also view below a short clip from the Table Tilting demonstration.
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Aura Photography
Carolyn Guy gave a talk on Aura Imaging Spectrographic Photography to members of Chesterfield Psychic Study Group. This involves using a Polaroid camera taking a double exposure of the subject through a spectrographic device. The subject relaxes on a chair, with his hands placed on terminals which pass signals corresponding to the subject’s energy fields to the device, which interprets them as a series of coloured areas around the subject’s body. Thus a photograph is produced showing the subject’s head, surrounded by a coloured interpretation of his aura.
Mrs Guy gave a fascinating explanation of the meanings of the different colours that show up in this way. Several members had their aura photographs taken and will shortly be receiving interpretive readings from Mrs Guy.
A most impressive demonstration was given by way of taking an aura photograph of one lady member who was in poor health, who was immediately led into a separate room to receive healing from Mrs Ruby Gould, DSNU (the Group’s Chairperson). While this was taking place, Mrs Guy showed the remainder of the Group the photograph, which showed a mainly red aura, indicating bad energy problems, but with an indication which was interpreted by Mrs Guy as meaning that Guides were close and trying to provide her with information about her health problem. Her husband confirmed that the main problem was a lack of information, as doctors had not been specific about pinning down the cause of her problem. Whilst giving the healing, Ruby psychically picked up, and informed the patient, that the problem was really that her chakras needed balancing. Immediately after the healing, the patient’s aura was again photographed and this time, in addition to the red, showed a big band of yellow, denoting the provision of information and proving that her energies had been affected by the healing.
Bill Eyre
Spiritual Surgery
Darren Moore of Goole gave a demonstration of Spiritual Surgery to members of Chesterfield Psychic Study Group. To achieve this, Darren went into a light trance and his body was used by medical practitioners from the Spirit World to carry out operations on the etheric bodies of the patients. Several members received benefit from this treatment, including a lady who improved to the extent that she no longer needed her walking stick.
Bill Eyre
Trance Mediumship
Chesterfield Psychic Study Group were treated to a superb demonstration of Trance Mediumship by Doncaster medium Sandy Sinclair. Mrs Sinclair's personality totally changed as she was taken over by two separate spirit guides - a Chinese gentleman by the name of Chan and a young girl, the latter of whom proceeded to pass on very evidential messages from persons in the Spirit World to those present.
William Eyre, Treasurer of the Group, received several accurate pieces of information concerning his best friend at school, who had been killed in an accident whilst in his twenties. Various other members of the Group also heard reminiscences from the communicators about the lives they led whilst on Earth. One member was told that she had the ability to heal those suffering from arthritic problems.
Bill Eyre
Psychic Development and Dowsing
The Group received a talk from Ernest May of Chesterfield, in which various aspects of psychic development were explained. Great emphasis was placed on the untapped power of the mind. Short demonstrations to illustrate points concerning palmistry and runes were given. An explanation was given of how to use a pendulum or angle rods to dowse and the point made that practising dowsing was a good way for a beginner to the psychic area to start to develop his abilities.
Ernest has many years' experience of using his own psychic abilities and of passing on his knowledge to others. He gave various examples of predictions which he had made, which had come true.
Bill Eyre
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Bill Eyre, Chairman (at the time) of CPSG and member of the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP), gave an interesting review of a local haunting, poltergeist effects, and a case of sleep paralysis. The haunting case, which made it into the papers a few years ago, was that of Lowes Cottage near Ashbourne. Normally members of ASSAP must observe strict confidentiality, however, due to the publicity surrounding the case, this was not necessary on this occasion.
Bill related how the Smith family had bought the cottage, apparently built on a burial mound and adjacent to Gallows Tree Lane, from two sisters living locally. However, they had set up home only to discover that it was haunted. The phenomena that they reported included seeing ghosts, feelings of discomfort, and even physical attack. The Smiths called in a local member of the Church, Rev. Mockford, to carry out a blessing on the house but to no avail. Eventually the Smiths left the house, claiming that it was too haunted to live in and refused to make the final payment on the cottage to the two sisters on the grounds that they had not warned the Smiths that the house was haunted when they bought it. The sisters denied any knowledge of the alleged haunting.
The house went up for auction and was subsequently purchased by Mr Tom Chilton. When interviewed by 30 Minutes, Radio Derby and ASSAP, Mr Chilton could only report a few relatively minor phenomena since his occupation of the cottage, such as unexplained damp patches on some of the walls.
A group of researchers from ASSAP, including several members of CPSG, were allowed by Mr Chilton to carry out a vigil for one night in the cottage. Armed with tape recorders, thermometers, video cameras, and EMR detectors, the investigators settled down in the dark for a long wait.
Given the dramatic phenomena reported previously hopes were high but unfortuantely the results were not as exciting. The phenomena reported included feelings of oppression in the cellar, a tape recorder that refused to work in one room, and an unexplained dragging noise on the ceiling. Further investigations ruled out other investigators or tree branches as the source of the mysterious sound.
At a later date medium Wendy Brown clairvoyantly sensed the presence of a woman in the cellar.
The group's conclusion was that Lowes Cottage was the haunt of earth-bound spirit entities. For others the question of whether Lowes Cottage is really the abode of spirits or not remains an unanswered question. However, Bill went on to tell the group about some other cases investigated by ASSAP.
One of these involved a suspected poltergeist which caused a picture to fall off a wall, coffee to be spilt, and a rocking chair to rock wildly in a corner all by itself. However, none of these phenomena were witnessed by investigators and the explanation was suspected to be vibrations from passing vehicles on the nearby road. Other phenomena included a case of sleep paralysis, which while not paranormal, can be a frightening experience for the person involved. This is the experience of waking to find oneself unable to move and sometimes with the sense that there is someone or something in the room with you. Bill put forward the hypothesis that there may be a connection between the incidence of sleep paralysis and exposure to emissions from mobile phone masts.
Do all hauntings have normal explanations? Can little understood psychological states, such as sleep paralysis, play a part? Or can spirits only be seen by those who are psychically sensitive or clairvoyantly gifted? Maybe the Smiths were such people, or maybe they just wanted to avoid payment on the cottage and claim compensation. When their case went to court earth-bound spirit entities did not stand up.
Michael J. Rush
The Tarot
Chris Booker gave an explanation of the Tarot. Of the several possible origins of this mystical art, his guess was that it probably originated in Egypt.
Mr Booker explained how the Tarot pack consists of two arcanas - major and minor, either of which may be used to give a reading to a sitter. A reading can be given in two different ways - either taking the artistic meanings of the cards or for the reader to use a spread of cards to act as a map from which psychical impressions could flow.
Perhaps surprisingly, the speaker played down the ability of the Tarot to predict the future, suggesting that the use of the cards acted more like an Oracle of old, making the sitter aware of problem and opportunity situations and the best way of tackling them.
Bill Eyre