Research Results

Over the years a number of different types of psi experiments having been carried out including psi-under hypnosis and ouija. The file below contains a selection of the experimental results, whilst more detail about the hypnosis and ouija research can be found below.

Research Sub-Group Results | |
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PSI Under Hypnosis Sub-Group
Various experiments were repeated with the subject in a state of hypnosis to try to induce a more receptive psi state. Tthe file below contains a selection of the experimental results.
Various experiments were repeated with the subject in a state of hypnosis to try to induce a more receptive psi state. Tthe file below contains a selection of the experimental results.

Psi-Under Hypnosis Sub-Group Results | |
File Size: | 40 kb |
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Research Results (Ouija Sub-Group)
An article written by Bill Eyre which summarises CPSG's Ouija Research can be downloaded in PDF format below.
An article written by Bill Eyre which summarises CPSG's Ouija Research can be downloaded in PDF format below.

Ouija Article by Bill Eyre | |
File Size: | 621 kb |
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11th Sept 2002: No movement of the glass - attributed to table surface being insufficiently smooth.
16th Oct 2002: From this séance onwards, a smooth sheet of hardboard was used on top of the table. Glass moved after 50 mins. A few random letters. Photo of Ouija Board
19th Nov 2002: A lengthy string of random letters.
17th Dec 2002: Lots of yes's, no's and strings of random letters.
23rd Jan 2003: From this séance onwards, a prepared script was used as the basis of questioning. A few bits of information about what appeared to be a labourer from London. Several sensible bits of information from a lady from Derby.
25th Feb 2003: A man from Derby told us that this method was 'hard to do' (probably true, although other methods of spirit communication are, of course, even harder!). A couple of other communicators provided some sensible yes / no answers but little else.
28th April 2003: Glass moved after about 10 minutes. Two communicators, giving various pieces of information about themselves. The second one was a lady called Winnifred, who claimed to have lived in a castle in 11th Century England and die in pregnancy. Follow-up research, however, could not trace her surname or the town that she claimed to have lived in.
12th May 2003: Glass moved after about 3/4 minutes. Three communicators. Second one was a William Prest, who gave much personal information, including the fact that he had been a soldier in the Royal Dragoons who was shot dead in war in India in 1904 and that he had come from Tyneside. Research revealed that Prest is a common name in that part of the country but no William Prest could be found in the Casualty Book for 1st (Royal) Dragoons of 1850-1910. Also no mention of him in the Regimental Description Books, although they contain records only up to 1857 and his claimed date of death was later than that. Found that the Royal Dragoons were stationed in India in 1904 and that there was fighting between British troops and the local population in the early 1900s.
16th June 2003: Spelling of messages more erratic than usual as a result of Simon acting as scribe instead of medium. A communicator claiming to be Debbie's Mother came through and gave correct name of her grandson (born after her death). Debbie's finger was in contact with the glass during this communication.
14th July 2003: A communicator by the name of Muksar came through. When asked, he stated that the glass was moved by the communicator controlling the finger of one person and he indicated that it was Simon's finger he was using. By experimenting with different combinations of fingers on the glass, proved empirically that Simon's and Debbie's fingers could be used to move it but that Bill's and John's couldn't. A nun came through and indicated that Spirit would rather speak by trance through Simon and Debbie than use the ouija. She gave her address in Huddersfield: it was found that the address existed but there was no record of anyone of this lady's name having lived there during the period claimed.
18th August 2003: A communicator claiming to have lived in Chile in the 5th century BC said that he designed wings for flying machines. A sense of humour was displayed when he replied to the question "What were the flying machines used for?" with the answer "Flying" and to the question "What was the cause of your passing?" with the answer "Dead"! A 'Cathy' came through who, when asked for a prediction of an event of World significance, said "America sorrow and upset."
22nd September 2003: A German captain of a ship came through. Bill asked several questions in German, to which sensible answers were received, even though the only mediums in contact with the glass were Simon, who knew no German, and Debbie, who knew insufficient to understand some of the questions. Simon drifted into trance but said nothing.
20th October 2003: A lady claiming to be a great aunt of Debbie's came through but Debbie was unable to trace such a person. A Catherine came through the glass. Simon went into trance and Catherine tried, unsuccessfully, to speak through him. She was only able to shake and nod Simon's head.
17th November 2003: Questions were asked about the nature of God. Essentially, the answers were more in tune with Spiritualist thinking than with orthodox religious thinking. The communicator claimed that using the glass was too slow. Simon went into trance and a George came through. Again, his answers about religion indicated inaccuracies in orthodox thinking.
15th December 2003: Two communicators came through the glass before Simon was entranced. Two communicators succeeded in coming through via trance a Ruth from Arbroath and a Kevin from Exeter.
19th January 2004: A Daniel from Rochester came through the glass, followed by a Betty from a road beginning with 'Royal Park' in Leeds. We found that there are in fact 6 streets in Leeds begin with 'Royal Park', although none of us was aware of that at the time of the seance. A distressed person called Paul came through via trance, who said he had been hanged - what appeared to be a successful rescue of this earthbound spirit then took place.
9th February 2004: Seance held at Chesterfield Hotel, so that some media students could film it. Using the glass, an Elsie came through, passing a message from Paul, thanking us for helping him over the previous month. She said she'd lived on Greenfield Road in Gosport, although subsequent research found that there was no such road. Then an Andrew came through, who said that he had been in the Blues and Royals. Using trance, Kevin returned, saying that he had been a teacher of Physics and Chemistry.
15th March 2004: A Ruth Barker (nee Wilks) of Worcester, claiming to be a relative of John's and to have been married to George, came through but John had not heard of her and an Internet search found no Ruth Wilks. A George Barker was found was found, married to a Wilks (but not Ruth) in Worcester. Another communicator called Aiden came through, urging the group to help lost souls via trance mediumship. Simon went into trance and his guide, Blue Eagle, spoke, warning us to beware of mischievous spirits. A lost soul then came through, to be rescued.
26th April 2004: A Horace Peters came through the glass, claiming to have been married to Philis. Internet research found 7 people by the name of Peters but none was Horace and none was married to Phyllis. Horace complained that the ouija method was too slow. A Moira from Ayr then came through and during that communication, Simon became entranced. Paul, who had been helped at an earlier seance, spoke. He said he had adjusted to his new life. A young girl who had been shut away in a dark cellar spoke, although most questions produced a "Don't know" response. She was successfully counselled. Blue Eagle was the last communicator.
24th May 2004: Simon was blindfolded while the ouija communication was taking place. Sensible answers were still produced but with more spelling mistakes. After being unblindfolded, the communicator (Mark Room) admitted that it was more difficult to spell when the medium was blindfolded and said that he'd died in 1943. The ancestry website revealed that there had been 131 Mark Rooms (6 after 1901). Simon went into trance in the middle of the second communication and a murdered girl called Jenny Shaw came through. Blue Eagle ended the seance.
21st June 2004: A lady came through the glass, followed by a man, claiming to be Simon's great great grandad. In trance, a suicide victim came through, followed by a soldier killed in the First World War, followed by Blue Eagle.
12th July 2004: A lady claiming to have lived in Austria came through the glass but did not respond to a question asked in German. She said she didn't speak German, that she had been born in Japan and that her first language was English. Then a man came through the glass, requesting help and saying he was scared. In trance, a girl killed by a horse spoke and was sent into the light. A Bob who had been executed via the electric chair spoke. He appeared unrepentant and seemed reluctant to be moved on but eventually was.
9th August 2004: A Norman came through the glass, saying that the group shouldn't make judgements when lost souls came through. Then a Susan came through. 4 communicators came through via trance - Bob, to thank the group for helping him at the last seance, followed by two lost souls, followed by Blue Eagle.
20th September 2004: A Charlie Kent came through, who claimed to have lived from c. 1788 to 1872. He said he was from York. The IGI (International Geneological Index)1871 census listed no Charlie or Charles Kents born c. 1788. An IGI general search showed no such person linked to York. There was no match-up in the GRO (General Register Office) Register of Deaths, either. Then a Cathy came through. The first trance communicator failed to be able to speak. Second trance communicator was counselled. Blue Eagle ended.
18th October 2004: A friendly and humorous lady called Olive (from the 18th century) came through the glass, who continued to communicate for 50 mins. She said she had lived at 21 Marine Way, Plymouth. There is no Marine Way in Plymouth but there are other roads beginning with 'Marine' and due to the heavy bombing in Plymouth during WW2, it is possible that there could have been a Marine Way in the 18th century. Simon then tried, but failed, to go into trance. The glass was therefore used again and within a short time, he became entranced. Two spirits werem successfully counselled.
15th November 2004: A James, angry about being murdered, came through the glass. The group was unable to move him on to the light. One further communicator came through the glass. A lady came through via trance, who was rescued. James came through via trance but the group was still unable to rescue him. A new guide of Simon's, called Adam, spoke, and advised Simon to continue with his automatic writing.
13th December 2004: A June Bagshaw, of 42 Kirkdale (Road?), Oldham, came through. There is a Kirkdale Drive in Oldham but the highest house no. is 27, not 42. Websites searched did not reveal a Bagshaw in Oldham. The GRO Register of Deaths found a Joan (not June) Bagshaw but the date and place of death did not tie up with those claimed. After this lady, the glass kept moving round without spelling out a message. Bill spoke into the glass, clarifying what the group is seeking. The communicator (Karl) calmed downa and apologised. He seemed confused. Then Karl came through via trance. Then a soldier came through. Then Adam.
17th January 2005: A Donald Pearson communicated, followed by a lost soul. Further lost souls came through via trance.
21st February 2005: A man from the early 18th century communicated who gave some details of two of his Earth lives. Then a lady came through, during which Simon went into trance and the same lady continued to communicate. Two further trance communicators.
14th March 2005: A lady (Yvonne) who didn't realise she was dead came through the glass. She had misconceptions about life after death, owing to orthodox Church teachings. A lengthy dialogue took place but failed to move her on to the next World. Four communicators came through in trance and were successfully moved on.
18th April 2005: A Patricia O'Phealan from Cork, Ireland, communicated. She said she died in 1906 and that, having been a Roman Catholic, her views on religion had 'obviously' changed since she arrived in the Spirit World. She said one usually communicated telepathically in the Spirit World. During the second communication, as usual, Simon dropped into trance. 6 communicators spoke.
16th May 2005: An experiment was undertaken whereby Simon and Debbie each, separately, deliberately moved the glass to spell out words, to see how this compared to the movement during a seance. They were able to spell words out but said that they needed to apply much more pressure to the glass than during a seance and it was noticed that the glass swivelled differently from during a seance. Once the seance began, Bill tried (by thought) to deliberatley influence the glass to spell out the name KEVIN, but the name Billy was spelled out. He was earthbound and was successfully counselled. A Nathan, who had been a brickie, then came through. Using trance, a lost soul called Clive came through, followed by a Paul, who thanked us for helping him over on a previous occasion, followed by an Agnes, who'd been burned at the stake, followed by a Gerald, who seemed to have passed with a chest condition, followed by a mechanic called Henry, followed by Simon's guide Adam.
27th June 2005: A Maggie McBaine from Dumfries came through the glass and was moved on. An earthbound entity called Edwin came, who would not be helped, even after a dialogue using trance took place. A seven year old girl was helped, followed by a George, followed by someone who had been shot, followed by someone who had been run over.
25th July 2005: A Charles Babcock communicated, who was quizzed about the Spirit World. A lost soul came through but Simon dropped into trance during the dialogue, after which five earthbound spirits came through.
22nd August 2005: A Clarissa Belk from Newark communicated. She claimed to have passed on in 1901. She said she had reincarnated many times. Follow-up research failed to confirm the lady's existence. 6 communicators came through via trance.
19th September 2005: An earthbound lady came through, followed by a James Tufnell of 32 St George's Road, Hull. He died in 1906. Follow-up research confirmed that the address was real and that someone of that name had lived in the claimed area at the claimed point in time. Four earthbound spirits came through in trance, three of whom were rescued. Then Adam came through.
17th October 2005: A carpenter called Joseph communicated, indicating that things may start to happen in the circle. then a lady came through. Seven communicators came through via trance.
21st November 2005: A lady who was earthbound because she considered herself to be a bad person came through, followed by a Dominic, who had a habit of replying to some questions with a "Hmm". This mannerism continued after he continued to communicate via trance. Five further spirits communicated via trance. This was the last occasion within the sub-group at which the ouija was used. The seances following this one used trance only.
Bill Eyre
Research Results (PK Sub-Group)
21st Aug 2002: After many months of trying, and failing, to obtain anything other than a tiny amount of sideways swaying of our table, during this session we seemed to achieve significant success. There was much forceful sideways swaying + one occasion when the table actually tilted + a significant period when a loud noise was produced, sounding like a cross between scratching and squeaking. Of course, if one sitter accidentally pressed too hard on the table, some movement would be produced anyway. But we were unable, after the experiment, to simulate the production of the loud squeaking noise. Usually only a minor squeaking noise tends to come from the table, if anything. So we're optimistic that at least some of what happened was of a paranormal nature. This has of course decided us that's it's worth continuing. Although most of the sitters present have been involved since the beginning, it was only the second time that Clive had joined us and he (unlike the rest of us) has experienced successful table tilting elsewhere, so we're hoping the effect is 'rubbing off onto us'.
Bill Eyre