News (Archive)

Ghost Photograph at the Galleries of Justice (added September 2015)
Chris Dilkes has submitted to the Nottingham Post a photograph, taken in the Sheriff's Dungeon at the Galleries of Justice Museum, of what he has interpreted as being a ghost. The photograph was taken in 2012 and is still on his camera, in order to prove that he has not manipulated it on his computer.
Ghost Plane Seen in the Skies above Derbyshire (added September 2015)
Richard and Helen Jephson were driving their car in Rowsley at about 2.30 p.m. on August 3rd 2015 when they saw a silent, low flying Lancaster bomber extremely close to their car. Other witnesses also saw a ghost aircraft the same day over Derbyshire. George Furnace, at Ednaston, saw and heard a similar aircraft but thought it was a Liberator bomber. Richard Burley, whilst travelling from Buxton to Derby, saw a plane flying low between 3 and 3.30 p.m., but said that it was much smaller than a Lancaster.
(Source: Derby Telegraph, URLs:,
UFO Seen above Derby (added September 2015)
At 9.55 p.m. on the 21st February 2014 Gary Turnbull saw, from the garden of his home in Derby City Centre, a small feint orange light moving silently at "incredible speed" in a straight line. He estimated it to be going too fast to be an aircraft.
(Source: UK UFO Sightings, URL:
UFO Seen at Hillsborough (added September 2015)
At 9.45 p.m. on the 15th November 2014 Samantha and Pat Taylor saw a light about the size of a star shoot at extremely high speed across Hillsborough. There was no noise and no flashing lights and it was observed that it was not a meteor.
(Source: UK UFO Sightings, URL:
UFO Seen at Staveley (added June 2015)
At 10.58 p.m. on the 8th April 2014 Samuel Lisi saw through his bedroom window a very bright light coming from high up in the sky, to the North. He described it as shooting straight off and going towards the ground. This could possibly have been a shooting star.
(Source: UK UFO Sightings, URL:
UFO Seen at Hollingwood (added June 2015)
At 6.32 p.m. on the 24th February 2014 an adult witness and his young son saw a bright red light and an adjacent bright blue light, judged to be too bright to be an aircraft. The object quickly few away.
(Source: UK UFO Sightings, URL:
UFOs Seen on Radar at Eckington (added June 2015)
In December 2014, whilst studying his radar screen, Mr G Emmet noticed nine UFOs manoeuvring, doing a sudden 90 degree turn and shooting off the screen in the vicinity of Eckington.
(Source: Reflections, issue 279, pp. 38-41)
UFO Seen at Bolsover (added June 2015)
On the 3rd July 2014, between 11.30 p.m. and 12.15 a.m., Gerry Johnson observed two bright white objects, forming a triangle with a nearby star. These lights slowly moved. There continue to be some appearing, movement and disappearing of such lights.
(Source: UK UFO Sightings, URL:
Spiritualist Mum Jumps for Charity (added June 2015)
Lisa Bennett, a Spiritualist mother from Swadlincote, has undertaken a 'terrifying' bungee jump to raise money for the neonatal unit at Burton's Queen's Hospital, where a member of her church congregation had a grandson who was a patient. Lisa is President of Horninglow Christian Spiritualist Church. The bungee jump was about 160 feet high.
(Source: Psychic News, issue no. 4129)
Derbyshire Church Treasurer Jailed (added May 2015)
David Meers, treasurer of Long Eaton Spiritualist Church, was jailed for 20 months at Nottingham Crown Court on 10th April 2015 for stealing £18,000 from church funds.
For 2 1/2 years he had been helping himself to money belonging to the church. He pretended that utility bills had been paid, when in fact he had been paying the money owing into his own bank account.
(Source: Psychic News, issue no. 4127)
Poltergeist at Barnsley Antiques Centre (added Sept 2014)
In 2014, poltergeist activity took place at Barnsley Antiques Centre, with various phenomena being captured on the shop's CCTV. The door of a cabinet opened by itself and the glass spontaneously smashed all over the floor while an electrician working there had left the building (locked up) for 10 minutes. CCTV showed that there was no-one present in the room at the time of the incident. Other CCTV footage has shown apparitions in the building, which has a reputation for being haunted. Various objects fell off shelves and the wall for no obvious reason - on one of these occasions, a customer was about to buy a particular picture when it fell off the shelf right in front of him. Some customers felt being touched on the shoulder. The incidents were investigated by Jane Harris, who seemed inclined to think that the cause was paranormal.
(Source: Daily Mail, 19th Sept 2014, URL:
Recognition at last for Woman who saw Fairies (added Aug 2014)
Three years after the author's death, a long-neglected manuscript on alleged fairy sightings has finally been published.
FAIRIES at the bottom of your garden? Countless people claim to have seen them and their experiences were recorded by an eccentric Nottingham spinster who lived to 100 and whose book has finally been posthumously published. Marjorie Johnson, honorary secretary of the Fairy Investigation Society, was born in Bakersfield in 1911, lived in the same Carlton house for almost all her life and died three years ago. Although her book, detailing some of the many fairy sighting stories that the society collected, was published in German and Italian during her lifetime, it has only just been published in English.
(Source: Nottingham Post)
Puma Sightings (added Dec 2011)
On Beriam Lane, near Elsecar Reservoir, a woman saw what resembled a small puma with glowing eyes five years ago. On the 15th November 2011, Toby Foster, the presenter on Radio Sheffield, experienced a similar sighting in the same place. The observed wild cat was going grey.
Picturing Evil (added Dec 2010)
Christine Spice and her partner visited the dungeons at The Galleries of Justice in Nottingham and took a photo of “an eerie mass of white, like an evil male figure”. The figure appears behind a second figure which seems to be a small child in period dress. She simultaneously detected a musty, rotting smell and became frightened by the experience. (Source: Paranormal Magazine, issue 55).
Illuminated UFO Over Staveley (added Dec 2010)
Between 9 and 10.30 p.m. on the 16th April 2010, Andy Sambrooks saw a very bright light in the sky to the North-West of Staveley. As he watched, the object changed shape from a square to a pyramid and everything in-between. There were points of light all around the UFO, which continuously changed colour. Eventually, it slowly moved away from the observer.
Triangle Over Rotherham
On Monday 25th October 2010 there was a major sighting of a triangular shaped UFO over Rotherham viewed by several people and reported in the national press. Photographs of the object were taken by Anny Cummings. The object moved slowly over houses and occasionally it would shudder.
Fiction Become Fact
Filming of The Stone: No Soul Unturned is currently underway at a haunted location in Nottinghamshire. Whilst the film is a psychological thriller / horror film, real life paranormal incidents have been occurring on set. The Director, Philip Gardiner, has had his mobile phone ring even though it was turned off – and the phone indicated that it was coming from an actress right in front of him, even though her phone at the time was in her bag. There has been unexplained draining of batteries, more mobile phones playing up, car alarms going off, photographs of bizarre light effects, kettles turning themselves on and dials behaving anomalously on cameras. Some of the cast have detected an evil presence during a séance there.
(Source: Phenomena e-magazine)
Paul Cliff, publican of the New Inn along Midland Road in Rotherham, could not, apparently, believe his eyes when he checked his CCTV footage and saw “a mysterious orb of light” float across the bar. He said “I’ve never seen anything like it. I just can’t explain it. The whole episode is just extraordinary. We’ve been here for 12 years and this is the first time we have experienced anything like this.”
(Source: Paranormal Magazine, issue 49).
UFOs in South Yorkshire
At Mosborough, Sheffield, on February 14th, 2009, Rachael Sanders saw an orange light emitting a red glow moving fast towards the Rother Valley Country Park. In the first two months of 2009 there were several similar sightings of glowing orange and red lights at Bradford, Sheffield, Rotherham and Doncaster. On January 1st 2009, three lights were seen manoeuvring over Wheatley Hill, Doncaster.
(Source: Paranormal magazine)
UFOs in Derbyshire
Various sightings of orange lights in the sky over Dronfield were reported during the early part of 2009 and, more recently, black objects darting around clouds over Dronfield.
Sheffield UFO
24 March 1997 saw four Tornado jets apparently chasing a huge flying triangle over the Peak District in Derbyshire. It is alleged that this pursuit resulted in the attack and downing of one of the Tornados by the UFO, to the West of Sheffield, and yet to date not one witness has come forwards with the names of the crew from the downed craft.
Update (added June 2015)
These craft had, prior to the above, been spotted over Dronfield. A search was made for the downed aeroplane but none was found.
Bonsall UFOs
During 2002, some apparently spactular photographs of UFOs over Bonsall, Derbyshire, were taken and appeared in the national press. Well, now analysis by UFORM (UFO Research Midlands) has confirmed that the footage may have been a hoax. Researchers noticed that the effect publicised was similar to that obtained when videoing a normal light at extreme range with a digital camera set on full zoom. A pink disc-like object appears.
Spooky Mill
The Pleasley Mills business complex has recently experienced ghostly goings-on. Visitors to the centre have reported paranormal noises and apparitions, including sightings of a white lady. The pet dog belonging to the Rupert Mole furniture and gift specialists, who are based at the centre, has reacted strangely to an unknown presence in a certain part of the mills.